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Providing Virtual Psychotherapy Services Across Ontario


About Me

If you're ready to start, or continue, your journey of healing and growth then you've come to the right place!  ​I'm here to make that first and often hardest step of asking for help easier.


I am a Registered Psychotherapist and Founder of Pave Your Own Path Psychotherapy.  I am located in the Niagara Region where I was born and raised.  I offer virtual and phone sessions to teens (16+) and adults struggling with a wide variety of mental health concerns.


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Skye Nagy


You are not a mess.  You are a deeply feeling person in a messy world.
-Glennon Doyle



Why Therapy?

Can you imagine how great it would feel to not be stuck in your head 24/7?  What if you could confidently say that you are in the driver's seat of your emotions? 


It is human nature to want to avoid things that cause us discomfort.  It's our brain's way of trying to protect us from pain.  It also doesn't help that we live in a society that makes it seem like there is something wrong with us if we are anything but happy. 


Although at times distracting ourselves from pain and discomfort is helpful, it can prolong our emotional suffering and ultimately cause both physical and psychological problems for us long term.

We can't control the negative thoughts that pop up into our heads, or stop uncomfortable emotions like anxiety, guilt and sadness from surfacing.  What we do have within our power is changing our reactions to these things, which is one of many areas that therapy can help. 


There are so many different reasons that may lead a person to seek therapy.  At times, therapy can be incredibly overwhelming and may seem like things are getting worse before they get better. 


When given a space where you are free to be your authentic self without the fear of being judged or rejected, is when real growth and healing can take place.

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